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主题:[分享]Most Relaxing Cello Album in the World .. Ever!

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[分享]Most Relaxing Cello Album in the World .. Ever!  发帖心情 Post By:2012/2/15 22:05:30


专辑英文名Most Relaxing Cello Album in the World .. Ever!
艺术家Various Artists
版本[2 CD Set]

Category Classical, Romantic Period, Oldies Collections, Chamber Music/Recitals, 20th Century Period, Modern, Baroque Period, Concerto, Sonata, Suite, Spiritual, Song, Post-Romantic, Dance - Classical, Prelude, Character Piece, Aria, Art Song, Serenade, Lied, Nocturne, Romance, Transcription, Intermezzo, Lullaby, Elegy, Melodie, Tango, Siciliana, Vocalise, Arrangement, Bouree

One of the fairly recent big phenomena in marketing classical music recordings can be described in two words: chill out. Classical music has long been praised for its ability to reduce stress, and in the last five years or so, one record company after another has jumped onboard with compilations of adagios and the like, whose purpose, it would seem, is to soothe anxious and wound-up listeners at the end of a difficult day. Now, I've always disliked the idea of classical music presented as high-class Valium. Listening should not be a passive experience, nor is it accurate to stereotype classical music in this manner. Furthermore, I believe that it is not just what the music can do for us that matters… it is also asking ourselves what we can do for the music.

Nevertheless, I must admit that I like two hours of sleepy-time music as much as the next person and it's nice to have someone else compile it for you. Therefore, I was receptive to the idea of this two-CD set, not least because the cello is one of my favorite instruments. The 24 selections included here, while mostly slow and quiet, have been cleverly ordered to avoid monotony. The cello alone, with a piano, with an orchestra, and even with a soprano (Villa-L?bos' Bachianas Brasileiras #5, with Juliane Banse) all take their turn. Furthermore, a wide range of moods apparently falls under the description "relaxing," from Bach's Cello Suites (the preludes to the First and Second Suites, where order and reason are paramount), the melancholy regret of Fauré's Après une rêve, and the blissful oblivion of Brahms' Wiegenlied.

Also, with four talented cellists on hand, it is possible (and fun) to compare playing styles. The "old guard" is represented by Rostropovich and the late du Pré, while Chang and M?rk are the youngsters. In terms of personality and memorability, the old guard wins easily, but, especially in a "relaxing" compilation of this sort, one should not discount Chang and M?rk for placing high value on tone, and for letting interpretive matters sort themselves out with less intervention.

Don't expect to learn anything, though. The booklet lists the track titles, timings, and performers, and not much else… certainly no essays about the individual works or the cello itself. This compilation is meant for dreamers, not for thinkers!

The recordings cover a range of more than three decades, yet the sound is consistent and almost uniformly excellent. The reissue producer (unnamed, but it seems that he or she is Finnish, as this is a production of EMI Finland) did a good job of matching disparate recordings to each other.

In short, this is not the sort of CD an experienced classical collector would tend to consider, but trust me: it's nice to be pampered every now and then. It might not be the most relaxing cello album in the world… ever (!), but it is relaxing enough for me!

Copyright ? 2004, Raymond Tuttle


01. 圣桑:天鹅(张汉拉 爱乐管旋乐团)
02. 佛瑞:梦醒后 作品七第一号(克里斯哈瑞尔改编自布瑟改编版)(张汉拉 爱乐管旋乐团)
03. 拉/赫曼尼诺夫:声乐练习曲 作品四第十四曲 - 克里斯哈瑞尔改编(张汉拉 爱乐管旋乐团)
04. 巴哈:第二号无伴奏大提琴组曲 - 前奏曲(罗斯托波维奇)
05. 魏亚罗伯士:第五号巴哈风巴西组曲 - 第一乐章:歌谣(柏林爱乐十二把大提琴 女高音:茱莉安邦丝)
06. 萧邦:G小调大提琴奏鸣曲 作品六五 - 第三乐章:缓版(杜普蕾 & 巴伦波因)
07. 佛瑞:西西里舞曲(张汉拉 爱乐管旋乐团)
08. 艾尔加:E小调大提琴组曲 -作品八五一第三乐章:慢版(杜普蕾 & 巴毕罗里)
09. 巴哈:第三号无伴奏大提琴组曲 –第三乐章:布雷舞曲第一与第二号(罗斯托波维奇)
10. 布拉姆斯:摇篮曲 作品三八一第一乐章:不太快的快版(杜普蕾 & 巴伦波因)
11. 布拉姆斯:摇篮曲 作品四九第四曲(莫客改编)(莫客 & 拉格斯佩兹)
12. 皮亚佐拉:再会了爸爸(麦达格利亚改编) (柏林十二把大提琴)


01. 佛瑞:悲歌 作品二四(杜普蕾 & 摩尔)
02. 西贝流士:四首小品 作品七八 - 浪漫曲(莫客 & 提博德)
03. 柴可夫斯基:夜曲 作品十九第四曲(张汉拉 爱乐管旋乐团)
04. 巴哈:第一号无伴奏大提琴组曲 - 前奏曲 (杜普蕾)
05. 葛利格:A小调间奏曲(莫客 & 提博德)
06. 西贝流士:四首小品 作品七八 - 虔诚地(莫客 & 提博德)
07. 布拉姆斯:爱之歌 作品七 - 第五曲(莫客改编)(莫客 & 拉格斯佩兹)
08. 德弗札克:寂静的森林 作品六八第五曲(张汉拉 爱乐管旋乐团)
09. 布拉姆斯:夏日田野 作品八六第二曲 (莫客改编)(莫客 & 拉格斯佩兹)
10. 德弗札克:大提琴协奏曲 - 第二乐章:不太过分的慢板(罗斯扥波维奇 & 朱里尼指挥伦敦爱乐)
11. 黑人灵歌:没有人知道我的烦恼:(凯撒 - 林德曼改编)(柏林十二把大提琴)
12. 葛林米勒:月光夜曲(凯撒 - 林德曼改编)(柏林十二把大提琴)

Disc: 1

01. The Swan - Philharmonia Orchestra
02. Apres Un Reve, Op.7 No.1 - Han-Na-Chang
03. Vocalise, Op.34 No.14 - Han-Na Chang
04. I. Prelude - Mstislav Rostropovich
05. I. Aria - Juliane Banse
06. III. Largo - Jacqueline Du Pre & Daniel Barenboim
07. Sicilienne, Op.78.80 - Han-Na Chang
08. III. Adagio - Jacqueline Du Pre
09. V. Bourre I-II-I - Mstislav Rostropovich
10. I. Alegro Non Troppo - Daniel Barenboim
11. Wiegenlied, Op.49 No.4 - Juhani Lagerspetz
12. Adios Nonino - Berlin Philharmonica

Disc: 2

01. Elegie in C Minor, Op.24 - Gerald Moore
02. Four Pieces, Op.78-'Romance' - Jean-Yves Thibaudet
03. Nocturne. Op.19 No.4 - Han-Na Chang
04. I . Prelude - Jacqueline Du Pre
05. Intermezzo In A Minor - Jean-Yves Thibaudet
06. Four Pieces, Op.78-'Religioso' - Truls Mork
07. Minnelied, Op.71 No.5 - Juhani Lagerspetz
08. Klid, B 182/Op.68 No.5 (Silent Woods) - Han-Na Chang
09. Feldeinsamkeit, Op.86 No.2 - Juhani Lagerspetz
10. III. Adagio, Ma Non Troppo - Mstislav Rostropovich
11. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen - Berlin Philharmonic
12. Moonlight Serenade - Berlin Philharmonic
